The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
The animation includes geothermal maps, publications, glossary, and a printable text version of animation.
Animation is useful as an introduction.
Animation could be used as an assessment - ask students what info is missing in this resource.
Fundamental science and engineering concepts are alluded to broadly in the animation without details. Seismic imaging, for example, is mentioned but not explained. The vast heat energy available deep in Earth is a key point, but there is no explanation given about how that heat is generated. Some additional guidance from educator is necessary.
Passed initial science review - expert science review pending.
There is a lot of jargon used related to geothermal energy. Supporting materials are offered from the glossary and text version of how enhanced geothermal systems work.
Maps and other multimedia also provided.
An embedded animation explaining how geothermal energy resources are created starts immediately upon opening the page. The animation repeats continually, which can become distracting.