The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
Sample lesson plan can be accessed here: [] Does require free registration.
Teachers are strongly encouraged to go through the activity sheet and simulation prior to using with students so that they understand what the students will be asked to do.
Scientific tools are provided in this animation to measure thickness, glacier velocity, and glacial budget.
Simulation will help students understand glacier mass balances so that they are well prepared to discuss the effects of climate change on glaciers.
Very easy and well-designed simulation with two different levels (introduction and advanced).
Can be used to meet the following learning goals: Explain how environmental conditions, temperature, and precipitation impact glacial mass budget; identify where snow accumulates in a glacier, and justify why; explain how ice moves within a glacier; describe and illustrate flow within a glacier; explain or illustrate glacial dynamics.
Supportive information, including a lesson plan, is available from the website.
Simulation can be run online, embedded, or downloaded.
Due to recent changes in Mac OS, some users may have trouble running the interactive. PhET has good details for help. []
Technically robust and well designed.