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The Climate Prediction Center's Mike Halpert explains NOAA's 2017-18 winter outlook


Temperature outlook for 2017-18

Temperature outlook map

Places where the forecast odds favor a much colder than usual winter (blue colors) or much warmer than usual winter (red), or where the probability of a cold winter, a warm winter, or a near-normal winter are all equal (white). The darker the color, the stronger the chance of that outcome (not the bigger the departure from average). Click image for version that includes Alaska and Hawaii. NOAA map, based on data from NOAA CPC. 

Precipitation Outlook for winter 2017-18

Precipitation outlook map

Places where the forecast odds favor a much drier than usual winter (brown colors) or much wetter than usual winter (blue-green), or where the probability of a dry winter, a wet winter, or a near-normal winter are all equal (white). The darker the color, the stronger the chance of that outcome (not the bigger the departure from average). Click image for version that includes Alaska and Hawaii. NOAA map, based on data from NOAA CPC. 

Drought outlook for winter 2017-18

Drought Outlook for November 2017 - January 2018

Places where the forecast favors drought development or continuing (yellow, brown) or drought improvement or ending (tan, green).  Click image for version that includes Alaska and Hawaii. NOAA map, based on data from NOAA CPC.


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